Thursday, November 22, 2007




演唱:宮野 真守


書(か)かずに伏(ふ)せた 最後(さいご)の一行(いちぎょう)が
誰(だれ)の心(こころ)にも かならずある
選(えら)んだ言葉(ことば)が 変(か)えてしまうものを

望(のぞ)めば 望(のぞ)むほど 失(うしな)う なにかが
僕(ぼく)たちを狂(くる)わせる でも
抱(だ)きしめて 伝(つた)うぬくもり
どれだけ与(あた)えようと 涸(かれ)れない

未来(みらい)が いまこの手(て)に
愛(あい)を 託(たく)した訳(わけ)を

思(おも)いがけない 雨(あめ)のひとしずくや
風(かぜ)のひと吹(ふ)きに 道(みち)は迷(まよ)う
ひとりの力(ちから)で たどり着(つ)く場所(ばしょ)など

怒(いか)りや 憎(にく)しみが あふれる 世界(せかい)に
僕(ぼく)たちは立(た)ち尽(つ)くす でも
少(すこ)しずつ 変(か)えられるはず
生(う)まれてきた意味(いみ)から 逃(に)げないで

未来(みらい)が いまこの手(て)に
愛(あい)を 託(たく)す訳(わけ)を

光(ひかり)はどんな影(かげ)も 救(すく)うはずだから

未来(みらい)は いまその手(て)に
はじまりの 鍵(かぎ)を渡(わた)す
誰(だれ)もが 信(しん)じているはずだろう

Saturday, September 15, 2007



何度でもcall U 繋がるまで
イライラしてる もっと愛をto me
だってI luv U しょうがないじゃない

It's okay
Please call me Jealousy
It's okay
Please call me Jealousy

Do U love me? Do U need me?
It's okay
Please call me Jealousy
Do u want me? Do U love me?
It's okay
Please call me Jealousy


やめられないの never ever let U go
Every day, all day show me your love to me

It's okay
Please call me Jealousy
It's okay
Please call me Jealousy

Do U love me? Do U need me?
It's okay
Please call me Jealousy
Do u want me? Do U love me?
It's okay
Please call me Jealousy

It's me

It's okay
Please call me Jealousy
It's okay
Please call me Jealousy

Do U love me? Do U need me?
It's okay
Please call me Jealousy
Do u want me? Do U love me?
It's okay
Please call me Jealousy

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Ever wondered where all those nukes are stored?
A new review published in the November/December issue of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists shows that the United States stores its nearly 10,000 nuclear warheads at 18 locations in 12 states and six European countries.

The highest concentration of nuclear warheads is at the Strategic Weapons Facility Pacific in Bangor, Washington, which is home to more than 2,300 warheads – probably the most nuclear weapons at any one site in the world. At any given moment, nearly half of these warheads are on board ballistic-missile submarines in the Pacific Ocean.

Approximately 1,700 warheads are deployed on Ohio-class ballistic missile submarines operating in the Pacific and Atlantic oceans, and about 400 warheads are at eight bases in six European countries – Belgium, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Turkey and Great Britain (for more information on U.S. warheads in Europe, go to The United States is the only nuclear weapon state that deploys nuclear weapons in foreign countries.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

discount rate

The Federal Reserve is the bank of the federal government and the guardian of the U.S. economy, and as such, regulates monetary and credit policies such as buying and selling securities, setting the cost of credit (interest rates,) how much money is available to banks for borrowing, and how fast and at what rates the money has to be repaid. The idea behind the Federal Reserve is to keep things running smoothly, so banks that are members of the Fed are federally insured, which is reassuring to depositors like you and me.

To accomplish the flow of money, The Fed operates 12 regional banks, who monitor the economy and loan money to "member" depository banks -- (member FDIC.)

There are two ways banks can borrow money using Fed-insured funds. They can borrow money directly from the Fed using the "discount" rate, or they can borrow from each other using the "federal funds" interest rate. Both are short-term or overnight rates.

The discount rate is designed to improve liquidity for the banks themselves. The federal funds interest rate is designed to improve or limit liquidity or access to credit for consumers.

Because the Fed can't dictate what happens in the open market or between banks, the Fed will issue a "target" rate for federal funds, which most banks stick close to. They can then charge consumers whatever they feel they can get away with in the form of credit card interest rates, mortgage interest rates, car loans and so on.

If the economy is sluggish and consumers aren't spending, the Fed will lower target rates to encourage banks to lower the cost of borrowing. If the economy is heating up more than about three percent of annualized growth, inflation is a danger, and Fed will make credit more expensive to slow things down.

This past Friday, the Fed cut its discount rate by 50 basis points, from 6.25% to 5.75%. Since the discount rate is used by banks for their own liquidity, it's considered a "secondary" rate because it doesn't impact consumers directly. The lowering of the discount rate is viewed by many in the economy as a largely symbolic gesture that the Fed is acknowledging that the economy might be slowing to the point that it will consider a cut in the federal funds rate so that consumers can benefit.

The Federal Reserve can decide at any time to raise or lower the cost of the discount rate to banks, but raising or lowering federal funds rates is done by the Federal Open Market Committee, composed of the Board of Governors and the 12 Reserve Bank presidents, although only five of those can vote at any single meeting. The Committee meets eight times annually to whether or not to raise key interest rates - the discount and federal funds rates.

Last week, the FOMC had just met and decided not to raise or lower federal funds rate, leaving the 5.25% funds rate in place for the ninth meeting in a row. But after the Fed cut discount rates, many pundits believe that the next time the Fed meets, in September, the FOMC will vote to lower key interest rates by 25 to 50 basis points.

Meanwhile, what housing consumers can look forward to is a general calming of the markets with less panic than has been shown lately.

Mortgage interest rates, in the face of expanding liquidity, are likely to drift downward, which will make buying a home more affordable in the short-term.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007


Saturday, June 23, 2007



カオカオ ホイホイ
田んぼ耕せ 鍬入れろ
稲籾まけや 苗萌やせ

カオカオ ホイホイ
田んぼ潤せ 水を引け
苗を植えろや 田を染めろ

カオカオ ホイホイ
田んぼ見張れや 苗踏むな
土手を乗り越え 草むしれ

カオカオ ホイホイ
田んぼ枯らすな 水を呼べ
稲を育てろ 肥入れろ

Monday, June 11, 2007

Were you to see Kara Edwards shopping in her local grocery store in North Carolina, you'd probably have no idea that she's an incredibly strong Japanese boy who can fly through the air while throwing punches. But that's what she is -- at least on TV.

A professional voice actor, Edwards is the English-language voice of Goten, a character in the hugely popular Japanese anime "Dragon Ball Z," which broadcasts in the United States and other countries. As a professional voice talent for the past 10 years, Edwards has played many characters, and been in many commercials.

But the competition is heating up. "Right now, the market is being saturated with actors," she says. The reason? Internet advances have made it relatively easy for anyone -- anywhere in the world -- to set up shop as a voice talent (though it helps to have a talented voice).

Ten years ago, Edwards says, the marketplace for voice talent was completely different. "Being a voice actor meant you had to have an agent," she recalls. "They called you in for auditions and you went to a set location to record."

Today, it's almost too easy. Voice actors can be their own agent. Clients find them through personal Web sites or via talent-congregation sites,, and In place of mailing demo CDs, MP3 files are emailed, or sound clips are kept on a Web site. Many voice talents work from a home studio that can be set up for a few thousand dollars.

"That's why suddenly everyone is a voice actor," says Edwards. "How many businesses can begin with so little?"

And these businesses can be started from anywhere in the world. The thousands of talents listed at speak more than 100 languages, notes CEO David Ciccarelli. On the site you can hit a Play button that's placed next to a talent's name and hear what they sound like.

Much of the work is corporate in nature, but "more and more, these professionals are being hired for entertainment purposes, such as film and dubbing for broadcast content distributed around the world through new and traditional media," says Ciccarelli.

Maureen Egan has been in the voice business for 20 years. "In 1985, there were no podcasts," she notes. "No one had a Web site. Today I regularly voice a podcast for a high-tech client, which they share on their Web site as a value-added service."

She also does e-learning narration for companies in Singapore and Australia, and in the Middle East her voice can be heard on phone-messaging systems. In some U.S. stores she's the voice on a point-of-sales video describing a workout machine (the original was in Cantonese).

Meanwhile it's the voice of Michiru Yabu, an independent voice talent in Yokohama, that you'll hear on many travel videos in Japan that were originally in English. You'll find her work profile scattered across many web sites, including and She also does podcasts, Internet radio and phone-messaging systems.

Falling technology barriers mean it's easier not just to demonstrate talent and exchange files, but also to make and receive payments. Edwards often gets paid through PayPal. In some cases, she says, an entire project -- from negotiating to hiring to exchanging files to payment -- takes only a few hours.

It's also become much easier for her to do research. If someone wants a voice that sounds like a particular character, she can usually find a YouTube clip of that character in a matter of seconds and start practicing. "YouTube has changed my life," she says.

With the barriers to entry so low, the competition for work can get intense. At employers put projects up for bid and let voice talents from around the globe compete for the job.

Edwards wonders how many voice talents the market can really support. "Not all of us can make a living doing this," she says. "At some point, the ones that aren't earning will have to find other work. I just hope I'm not one of them!"

By Steve Mollman

Friday, June 01, 2007

北京市朝陽区のあるマンションは長年泥棒に悩まされてきた。問題はマンションを囲む壁が低いこと。南側の部分は高さがわずか1.5mしかなく、簡単に乗り 越えられてしまう。住民の李(リー)さんによると、この低い壁の存在はおそらく北京中のこそ泥の間に知れ渡っており、毎日のようにマンションには泥棒が侵 入していたという。李さんも自転車3台を盗られた。まさに「泥棒天国」状態だった。

半月ほど前に、ある住民が、泥棒が壁の上を乗り越えて、物を持ち出している場面を目撃、マンションの管理部に対策を訴えた。とはいえ、壁を高くするような 資金はマンションにはない。どうすればいいのか頭を悩ましていたところ、ある職員が名案を思いついたという。早速、ショベルカーを借りてきて、壁の前に幅 2m、深さ3mの溝を掘った。これでわずか1.5mだった低い壁は、高さ4.5m相当にグレードアップ。以後、泥棒の被害はぱたっとなくなったという。天 才的発想と住民は大絶賛だ。(翻訳・編集/KT)

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

humpback whale

The Associated Press
Wednesday, May 30, 2007; 1:08 PM

SAN FRANCISCO -- Two lost whales seen just before sunset nearing their ocean home after a two-week sojourn through inland waterways may have slipped back into the Pacific overnight.

Rescuers launched several boats in an effort to find the mother humpback and her calf Wednesday morning but have not spotted the whales, said Bernadette Fees, deputy director of the California Department of Fish and Game.

The pair were last seen Tuesday less than 10 miles from the Golden Gate after they passed under another busy bridge and entered San Francisco Bay.

The whales passed under the Richmond-San Rafael Bridge on Tuesday afternoon, the last bridge along the pair's route before reaching the Golden Gate. If the humpbacks were able navigate south around a Marin County peninsula and a nearby island, few obstacles were left on their route past Alcatraz to the Pacific Ocean.

Still, officials feared that the whales might continue south instead of west, passing under the Bay Bridge into the long southern half of the bay.

"There are lots of places they could get themselves into trouble before they go out of the Golden Gate," McInnis said.

The duo was first spotted May 13 and got as far as 90 miles inland to the Port of Sacramento before turning around.

Ariadne Green, 57, of Vallejo, came to the waterfront to catch a glimpse Tuesday after traveling last week to Rio Vista, where the whales circled for a week before heading ocean-ward. She described the humpbacks' inland visit as a "profound spiritual experience" but was equally grateful for their departure.

"They need to go home now because their health is in jeopardy," Green said. "It's good to know they're on their way back."

Over the Memorial Day weekend, the U.S. Coast Guard had to haul several swimmers out of the water as they tried to approach the whales and fend off about 100 boats carrying would-be whale watchers.

Biologists said the saltier water where the mother humpback whale and her calf have been swimming since leaving Rio Vista has helped reverse some of the health problems caused by long exposure to fresh water.

Lesions that had formed on the humpbacks' skin over the weekend appeared to be sloughing off, Fees said. Scientists also reported that a coating of algae that was clinging to the mother farther upriver had fallen away.

Veterinarians did not get a good glimpse Monday of wounds that had been suffered by both whales and could not say whether those had started to heal, Fees said. Antibiotics were injected into the whales on Saturday to try to slow the damage from the gashes, likely from a boat's keel.

A convoy of boats escorted the pair to protect them from heavy ship traffic in the bay. Coast Guard officials warned Bay Area ferry commuters of delays Wednesday depending on the whales' location, Coast Guard officials said.

Monday, May 28, 2007

Miyano 久遠


言葉もなく旅立つ 後ろ姿


想いは決して 忘れないだろう
儚い結末 訪れても
傷みも全て この大地に置いたまま

別れを選ぶたびに 交わす誓い


時代は決して 止まれないだろう
心に爪痕 残しながら
光を紡ぎ 明日への願いを胸に

想いは決して 忘れないだろう
儚い結末 訪れても
傷みも全て この大地に置いたまま

時代は決して 止まれないだろう
心に爪痕 残しながら
光を紡ぎ 明日への願いを胸に

Monday, May 14, 2007

Publication 51 - International Postal Rates and Fees
March 2006, Updated with Postal Bulletin Revisions Through January 4, 2007

Table 3a: Global Priority Mail (GPM) - Flat-rate Envelopes

Destination Country * Small Envelope
(6 inches x 10 inches)
Large Envelope
(9-1/2 inches x 12-1/2 inches)
Canada and Mexico $4.25 $7.50
All Other Countries $5.25 $9.50

* Maximum weight limit: 4 pounds to all destination countries.

Table 3b: Global Priority Mail (GPM) - Variable-weight Option

Weight Not Over (lb.) 2 Rate Groups 1
1 2 3 4 5
0.5 $6.25 $7.50 $8.50 $9.50 $8.50
1.0 $8.50 $9.50 $10.50 $11.50 $12.75
1.5 $9.50 $10.50 $12.75 $13.75 $14.75
2.0 $11.50 $13.75 $15.75 $16.75 $18.00
2.5 $12.75 $16.75 $19.00 $20.00 $22.25
3.0 $14.75 $20.00 $22.25 $23.25 $25.25
3.5 $16.75 $23.25 $24.25 $25.25 $29.50
4.0 $19.00 $26.25 $27.50 $28.50 $32.75

1 Rate Groups: 1 is for Canada; 2 is for Mexico; 4 is for Australia, Japan, and New Zealand; for 3 and 5, see the "Letter-post Rate Group" column in the Country Listing.

2 Maximum weight limit: 4 pounds to all destination countries.

Table 2: Global Express Mail (EMS)

Note: Customers who pay postage through an Express Mail Corporate Account receive a 5-percent discount off the single piece EMS rates.

Weight Not Over (lb.) 2 Rate Groups 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
0.5 $16.25 $17.75 $21.00 $18.25 $20.00 $18.00 $24.25 $18.00 $20.00 $24.00 $30.00 $23.50
1 $17.15 $21.10 $26.10 $22.55 $24.00 $20.20 $27.40 $21.60 $23.20 $26.60 $32.95 $26.10
2 $17.90 $25.00 $30.30 $26.85 $27.45 $22.80 $30.55 $25.30 $27.40 $29.80 $37.40 $29.50
3 $19.25 $29.10 $34.50 $31.15 $32.15 $26.30 $33.75 $29.50 $31.60 $34.25 $42.70 $33.75
4 $20.30 $32.80 $37.70 $35.45 $36.80 $29.65 $36.90 $33.75 $36.90 $38.45 $47.15 $37.95
5 $21.60 $36.05 $40.85 $39.45 $41.30 $33.55 $40.05 $37.95 $42.15 $42.95 $52.45 $42.15
6 $24.00 $38.35 $44.00 $43.00 $45.80 $36.85 $43.40 $42.35 $47.05 $47.45 $57.45 $46.40
7 $26.35 $40.70 $47.15 $46.55 $50.30 $40.10 $46.80 $46.80 $51.95 $51.90 $62.45 $50.60
8 $28.70 $43.00 $50.35 $50.10 $54.75 $43.35 $50.15 $51.20 $56.85 $56.40 $67.45 $54.80
9 $31.10 $45.30 $53.50 $53.65 $59.25 $46.65 $53.55 $55.65 $61.75 $60.85 $72.45 $59.00
10 $33.45 $47.65 $56.65 $57.20 $63.70 $49.90 $56.90 $60.10 $66.65 $65.35 $77.45 $63.25
11 $35.85 $49.95 $59.80 $60.75 $68.20 $53.15 $60.30 $64.50 $71.55 $69.85 $82.50 $67.45
12 $38.20 $52.30 $63.00 $64.30 $72.65 $56.45 $63.65 $68.95 $76.45 $74.30 $87.50 $71.65
13 $40.60 $54.60 $66.15 $67.80 $77.15 $59.70 $67.05 $73.35 $81.35 $78.80 $92.50 $75.90
14 $42.95 $56.90 $69.30 $71.35 $81.65 $63.00 $70.40 $77.80 $86.25 $83.25 $97.50 $80.10
15 $45.30 $59.25 $72.45 $74.90 $86.10 $66.25 $73.80 $82.20 $91.15 $87.75 $102.50 $84.30
16 $47.70 $61.55 $75.60 $78.45 $90.60 $69.50 $77.15 $86.65 $96.05 $92.25 $107.50 $88.55
17 $50.05 $63.85 $78.80 $82.00 $95.05 $72.80 $80.55 $91.05 $100.95 $96.70 $112.50 $92.75
18 $52.45 $66.20 $81.95 $85.55 $99.55 $76.05 $83.90 $95.50 $105.85 $101.20 $117.50 $96.95
19 $54.80 $68.50 $85.10 $89.10 $104.05 $79.30 $87.25 $99.90 $110.80 $105.65 $122.55 $101.20
20 $57.20 $70.85 $88.25 $92.65 $108.50 $82.60 $90.65 $104.35 $115.70 $110.15 $127.55 $105.40
21 $59.55 $73.15 $91.45 $96.20 $113.00 $85.85 $94.00 $108.75 $120.60 $114.60 $132.55 $109.60
22 $61.90 $75.45 $94.60 $99.70 $117.45 $89.10 $97.40 $113.20 $125.50 $119.10 $137.55 $113.85
23 $64.30 $77.80 $97.75 $103.25 $121.95 $92.40 $100.75 $117.65 $130.40 $123.60 $142.55 $118.05
24 $66.65 $80.10 $100.90 $106.80 $126.45 $95.65 $104.15 $122.05 $135.30 $128.05 $147.55 $122.25
25 $69.05 $82.40 $104.10 $110.35 $130.90 $98.90 $107.50 $126.50 $140.20 $132.55 $152.55 $126.50
26 $71.40 $84.75 $107.25 $113.90 $135.40 $102.20 $110.90 $130.90 $145.10 $137.00 $157.55 $130.70
27 $73.80 $87.05 $110.40 $117.45 $139.85 $105.45 $114.25 $135.35 $150.00 $141.50 $162.60 $134.90
28 $76.15 $89.40 $113.55 $121.00 $144.35 $108.70 $117.65 $139.75 $154.90 $146.00 $167.60 $139.15
29 $78.50 $91.70 $116.75 $124.55 $148.80 $112.00 $121.00 $144.20 $159.80 $150.45 $172.60 $143.35
30 $80.90 $94.00 $119.90 $128.05 $153.30 $115.25 $124.35 $148.60 $164.70 $154.95 $177.60 $147.55
31 $83.25 $96.35 $123.05 $131.60 $157.80 $118.50 $127.75 $153.05 $169.60 $159.40 $182.60 $151.80
32 $85.65 $98.65 $126.20 $135.15 $162.25 $121.80 $131.10 $157.45 $174.50 $163.90 $187.60 $156.00
33 $88.00 $100.95 $129.40 $138.70 $166.75 $125.05 $134.50 $161.90 $179.40 $168.40 $192.60 $160.20
34 $90.40 $103.30 $132.55 $142.25 $171.20 $128.30 $137.85 $166.30 $184.30 $172.85 $197.65 $164.40
35 $92.75 $105.60 $135.70 $145.80 $175.70 $131.60 $141.25 $170.75 $189.20 $177.35 $202.65 $168.65
36 $95.10 $107.95 $138.85 $149.35 $180.20 $134.85 $144.60 $175.15 $194.10 $181.80 $207.65 $172.85
37 $97.50 $110.25 $142.05 $152.90 $184.65 $138.15 $148.00 $179.60 $199.00 $186.30 $212.65 $177.05
38 $99.85 $112.55 $145.20 $156.45 $189.15 $141.40 $151.35 $184.05 $203.90 $190.75 $217.65 $181.30
39 $102.25 $114.90 $148.35 $159.95 $193.60 $144.65 $154.75 $188.45 $208.80 $195.25 $222.65 $185.50
40 $104.60 $117.20 $151.50 $163.50 $198.10 $147.95 $158.10 $192.90 $213.70 $199.75 $227.65 $189.70
41 $107.00 $119.50 $154.65 $167.05 $202.60 $151.20 $161.45 $197.30 $218.60 $204.20 $232.65 $193.95
42 $109.35 $121.85 $157.85 $170.60 $207.05 $154.45 $164.85 $201.75 $223.50 $208.70 $237.70 $198.15
43 $111.70 $124.15 $161.00 $174.15 $211.55 $157.75 $168.20 $206.15 $228.40 $213.15 $242.70 $202.35
44 $114.10 $126.50 $164.15 $177.70 $216.00 $161.00 $171.60 $210.60 $233.30 $217.65 $247.70 $206.60
45 $116.45 $128.80 $167.30 $181.25 $220.50 $164.25 $174.95 $215.00 $238.20 $222.15 $252.70 $210.80
46 $118.85 $131.10 $170.50 $184.80 $225.00 $167.55 $178.35 $219.45 $243.10 $226.60 $257.70 $215.00
47 $121.20 $133.45 $173.65 $188.35 $229.45 $170.80 $181.70 $223.85 $248.00 $231.10 $262.70 $219.25
48 $123.60 $135.75 $176.80 $191.85 $233.95 $174.05 $185.10 $228.30 $252.90 $235.55 $267.70 $223.45
49 $125.95 $138.05 $179.95 $195.40 $238.40 $177.35 $188.45 $232.70 $257.80 $240.05 $272.70 $227.65
50 $128.30 $140.40 $183.15 $198.95 $242.90 $180.60 $191.85 $237.15 $262.70 $244.55 $277.75 $231.90
51 $130.70 $142.70 $186.30 $202.50 $247.35 $183.85 $195.20 $241.60 $267.60 $249.00 $282.75 $236.10
52 $133.05 $145.05 $189.45 $206.05 $251.85 $187.15 $198.55 $246.00 $272.50 $253.50 $287.75 $240.30
53 $135.45 $147.35 $192.60 $209.60 $256.35 $190.40 $201.95 $250.45 $277.40 $257.95 $292.75 $244.55
54 $137.80 $149.65 $195.80 $213.15 $260.80 $193.65 $205.30 $254.85 $282.30 $262.45 $297.75 $248.75
55 $140.20 $152.00 $198.95 $216.70 $265.30 $196.95 $208.70 $259.30 $287.20 $266.95 $302.75 $252.95
56 $142.55 $154.30 $202.10 $220.20 $269.75 $200.20 $212.05 $263.70 $292.10 $271.40 $307.75 $257.20
57 $144.95 $156.60 $205.25 $223.75 $274.25 $203.45 $215.45 $268.15 $297.00 $275.90 $312.75 $261.40
58 $147.30 $158.95 $208.45 $227.30 $278.75 $206.75 $218.80 $272.55 $301.90 $280.35 $317.80 $265.60
59 $149.65 $161.25 $211.60 $230.85 $283.20 $210.00 $222.20 $277.00 $306.80 $284.85 $322.80 $269.80
60 $152.05 $163.60 $214.75 $234.40 $287.70 $213.30 $225.55 $281.40 $311.70 $289.30 $327.80 $274.05
61 $154.40 $165.90 $217.90 $237.95 $292.15 $216.55 $228.95 $285.85 $316.60 $293.80 $332.80 $278.25
62 $156.80 $168.20 $221.10 $241.50 $296.65 $219.80 $232.30 $290.25 $321.50 $298.30 $337.80 $282.45
63 $159.15 $170.55 $224.25 $245.05 $301.15 $223.10 $235.65 $294.70 $326.40 $302.75 $342.80 $286.70
64 $161.55 $172.85 $227.40 $248.60 $305.60 $226.35 $239.05 $299.15 $331.30 $307.25 $347.80 $290.90
65 $163.90 $175.15 $230.55 $252.10 $310.10 $229.60 $242.40 $303.55 $336.25 $311.70 $352.85 $295.10
66 $166.25 $177.50 $233.70 $255.65 $314.55 $232.90 $245.80 $308.00 $341.15 $316.20 $357.85 $299.35
67 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A $235.65 $249.55 $313.00 $346.15 $320.95 $363.10 $303.85
68 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A $238.40 $253.30 $318.00 $351.15 $325.70 $368.35 $308.35
69 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A $241.15 $257.05 $323.00 $356.15 $330.45 $373.60 $312.85
70 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A $243.90 $260.80 $328.00 $361.15 $335.20 $378.85 $317.35

1 Rate Groups: 1 is for Canada; 2 is for Mexico; 3 is for Great Britain and Northern Ireland; 4 is for Japan; 5 is for China. See the "EMS Rate Group" column in the Country Listing for the EMS rates that are applicable to all other destination countries.

2 See the "EMS Maximum Weight Limit" column in the Country Listing for the weight limit that is applicable to each destination country.