Tuesday, September 13, 2011

lhz lha

usage: lha [-]{axelvudmcp[q[num]][vnfodizg012]}[w=] archive_file [file...]
commands: options:
a Add(or replace) to archive q{num} quiet (num:quiet mode)
x,e EXtract from archive v verbose
l,v List / Verbose List n not execute
u Update newer files to archive f force (over write at extract)
d Delete from archive t FILES are TEXT file
m Move to archive (means 'ad') o[567] compression method (a/u)
m Move to archive (means 'ad') o use LHarc compatible method (a/u)
c re-Construct new archive w= specify extract directory (a/u/m/x/e)
p Print to STDOUT from archive d delete FILES after (a/u/c)
t Test file CRC in archive i ignore directory path (x/e)
z files not compress (a/u)
g [Generic] format (for compatibility)
0/1/2 header level (a/u)
e TEXT code convert from/to EUC

lha -e yyy.lhz

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